
Usage Guide #


You must first provide a CSL-JSON bibliography file. (Other formats, such as BiBTeX, are not supported.) In Zotero for instance, this can be accomplished by selecting the CSL-JSON format when exporting a collection. Just include bib in the filename (such as bibliography.json,oh-my-bib.json, or simply bib.json) and save it inside your Hugo project directory.

Here is an example:

# Your Hugo project directory
├── content
│   ├── article1
│   │   ├── bib.json
│   │   └──
│   ├── article2
│   │   ├── image.jpg
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── mr-bib.json
│   └── article3
│       ├──
│       └── oh-my-bib.json
└── path
    └── to
        └── bib.json

Shortcodes #

There are two shortcodes you can use in your content:

  • {{< bibliography >}}: display a list of works.
  • {{< cite >}}: render an in-text citation.

Display a bibliography #

Basic Example #

By default, the {{< bibliography >}} shortcode will render all entries from a bib.json included in a leaf bundle.

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography >}}

Cited Works #

You can restrict the list only to works cited on the page (with the use of in-text citations, see below):

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography cited >}}

File Defined in Front Matter #

You can specify the path to a JSON file located inside the Hugo project directory in the content page’s front matter using the bibFile parameter. This is especially useful when working with cited entries:

title: My Article
bibFile: path/to/bib.json # path relative to project root

## Bibliography

<!-- The bibliography will display works from path/to/bib.json -->
{{< bibliography >}}

File Defined in Shortcode #

Alternatively, you can specify the path to the CSL-JSON file at the shortcode level:

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography "path/to/bib.json" >}}

Combine Options #

You can also combine both options (the path to the JSON file must come first):

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography "path/to/bib.json" cited >}}

Note: if you are working with a cited bibliography, you’ll have to specify the path to the JSON file in the front matter for in-text citations to access the same file.

Named Params #

You can chose to use named params for clarity (the order does not matter here):

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography src="path/to/bib.json" cited="true" >}}

File From a URL #

Thanks to Hugo’s getJSON function, the path can also be a URL.
Note however that this method may have some drawbacks if you are reloading often, see the Hugo docs regarding potential issues.

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< bibliography "" >}}

Render in-text citations #

Use the {{< cite >}} shortcode to render rich in-text citations.


<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "Lessig 2002" >}}

The citation key (in the above example, Lessig 2002) must match the id field of a reference in your CSL-JSON file. You can make it look like an author-date format, or anything else.

Here’s an excerpt of a CSL-JSON file:

        "id": "Lessig 2002",
        "author": [
                "family": "Lessig",
                "given": "Lawrence"

Using the citation key defined in the CSL-JSON, you can reference your entry in content files:

<!-- Markdown -->

Our generation has a philosopher.
He is not an artist, or a professional writer.
He is a programmer. {{< cite "Lessig 2002" >}}

Suppress Author #

For an abbreviated in-text citation form, you can add a dash (-) at the beginning of your citation key:

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "-Lessig 2002" >}}

The above would render (2002) rather than (Lessig, 2002).

Cite a Page #

You can also provide a page as the second positional parameter:

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "Lessig 2002" 5 >}}

The example above will render (Lessig, 2002, p. 5) (note the p. was added by hugo-cite; you need not to add it).

Cite a Page Range #

You can instead specify a range of pages using a dash -, which will output pp. before the page range (ensure there is no space between the page numbers):

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "Lessig 2002" 5-6 >}}

The example above will render (Lessig, 2002, pp. 5-6).

Combine Multiple Citations #

You can combine multiple citations in a single block, using the semi-colon (;) separator (no spaces around the semi-colon):

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "Lessig2002;Nussbaum2011;Dewey1938" >}}

The above would render (Lessig, 2002; Nussbaum, 2011; Dewey, 1938).

Works with pagination too, in the matching order of the citation keys:

<!-- Markdown -->

{{< cite "Lessig2002;Nussbaum2011;Dewey1938" "5-6;;25" >}}

The above would render (Lessig, 2002, pp. 5-6; Nussbaum, 2011; Dewey, 1938, p. 25).

Cited Works #

<!-- Include the list of cited works on the page -->
{{< bibliography cited >}}

See It In Action #

Want to see a working demo? Check it out →